This prestigious award, founded by Ben Noah – Detroit Lakes High School hockey coach, in honor of Derick Brehm’s memory, is given to one player from the Detroit Lakes boys hockey team at the end of each season who best exemplifies leadership, character, coach-ability, respect, hard work, toughness, and dedication to his team.
To complement this award the Derick Brehm Invitational Golf Tournament was formed by John, Dawn, Adrianna and Livia Brehm to raise $5,000 in scholarship funds for the award recipient.
The initiative has evolved with the establishment of The Brother Fund, founded by Derick’s hockey brothers – Conner Collins, Taylor Magnuson and Isaac Fondrick, ensuring that Derick’s legacy continues to make a positive impact.
The Brother Fund has now taken on the responsibility of raising the $5,000 in funds for the award recipient’s scholarship. With this award the recipient is also inducted into The Brother Fund.
The Detroit Lakes hockey family formed the Derick Brehm Bantam A Tournament which not only contributes to The Brother Fund, but also extends the hockey family boundaries as Derick’s former teammates, from several different teams, are now coaches of various teams who have participated in this tournament. These individuals are continuing to encompass comradery, passion and respect into the core of our up-and-coming young men.
We don’t have words to describe the compassion and support we have received from our hockey family.
You all have our support and love,
John, Dawn, Adrianna, Livia, and most of all our angel watching over us – Derick.